It’s Thanksgiving in a couple of days. It just snowed and the no-heat calls are going to come rolling in.
If your heating system poops out, call your installer/servicer. When you purchase a large piece of equipment from a reputable source, they’re your first call.
If you want a new heating system, I can help. I’ve done the homework for you and if you’re income-eligible, get you a grant to help pay for it. It’s easy, I do all the paperwork for you.
But anyway, back to Thanksgiving. I was reflecting on everything available to help make houses more efficient and healthier, so here’s a question: What food do you associate with Thanksgiving?
Take a second.
Did you think “turkey?”
I’d bet real money that you did. (For some of you, I would’ve lost that bet. My second choice would be “mashed potatoes.”)
So here’s another question: What thing do you associate with “efficiency?” You don’t have to answer.
I meet a lot of people, and when they hear what I do, most people ask if I do solar panels. The rest ask if I do windows. (I don’t do windows.) Solar panels are the “turkey” on your Thanksgiving plate. Windows are the “mashed potatoes.”
But one thing I love about Thanksgiving is the sides. The cranberry thing, the sweet potato thing, the salad thing, the Brussels sprouts, the stuffing (jeez, how could I forget the stuffing), the pies…
You have choices. You could load up your plate with a lot of turkey and mashed potatoes, and be happy. You could go straight to the sides, and be happy. You could take a little of everything, and be happy. There’s no “right” way to arrange your plate.
Now, vegetarians. No turkey/solar panels for you. That’s OK, there’re still plenty of options. You won’t even miss the solar panels.
Before I take this analogy way too far, let’s be thankful for heating contractors. When your heat goes out on a Saturday night and it’s freezing, and they show up to fix it…well, that’s why you work with reputable people. It’s why they’re the only ones I work with.